Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mothers Day

Today is a very special day for me.  I get to thank my Mother for everything she has given me.  Don't get me wrong I try to thank her every day and not just once a year, but this is her day. 

My mom was in a terrible car accident when she was in her early 20 ' s.   As a result she was unable to have children of her own.  Her only choice was to adopt a baby and love it as her own.  This is what she did and there has never been a day when I felt any different.  Everyone I meet and know does not believe me when I tell them because I do look like my parents. 

My birth mother whom.i have never met was only 16 when I was delivered. She did what she thought was right and gave me a chance a better life.  I don't know what type of life in would have had if I was not given up In only know what life I have been blessed with for the first 33 years of my life.  I was never told I couldn't do something and always encouraged to try new things.  Even when I went through a very challenging period in my life and ended up dropping out of high school my mom was by my side.  She made sure I got my GED and went to college.  I was the first person in  my family to ever attend college.  I did not let her down either I graduated with double honors and finished with a 3.98GPA.

She has stood by me in marriage and divorce.  She smacked me around when I wasn't being a good dad to my beautiful princess and let me when I was doing the dad thing right.  She has worked 2 jobs as long as I can remember and after almost 30 years doing so she is finally retiring(that won't last). 

Everyone asks why I take my yearly vacation with my parents and it because they make it memorable.  I know I am a bit to much of a mammas boy at times but how can I not be.  She gave me a life most people would love to have had I have seen places some people never will get to.  I was able to play 3 sports at the same time and never miss a practice or game.   She will never let me forget the importance of family and never ever tell me I am not hers.  I love her with all my heart and there is nothing or nobody that will separate us. 

Happy mothers day mom I love you and wouldn't be the man I am today if it were not for you.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Promotion by Social Media

Since starting out on this new adventure I have made some nice new friends and have been able to interact with many amazing people.  I have also noticed a great new trend in music promotion reaching out through social media.  There are many ways people are using these tools some are doing it the fun way and others are going overboard annoying with it.

One of my new favorite people to follow is Mary Sarah she has a new album coming out in 5 days and how do I know this?  Facebook of course!  She is using this platform to promote the album using a picture cookie countdown.  Talk about a new way and delicious way to promote music,  I just wish I was the one eating the cookie they look very yummy.  She also has a ReverbNation account which is where I pull the music on my main page from.  Mary Sarah is doing it right she is interacting with fans promoting in fun ways and I have not ever heard someone being annoyed with her.  This should be how everyone should try and get the word out about music.

On the opposite side of the spectrum are the annoying promoters who blow up your feeds promoting sometime only 1 song.  This has been the tact taken by many as of late.  I know I am not a promoter or musician but this seems to just aggravate people and make them back away from the artist or album.  I would love to be able to promote a song of mine but I am not that talented.  I understand the excitement of wanting the world to hear your hard work and talent.  However when I sign in to Twitter the last thing  I want to see is the majority of my feed  filled with random acts of tagging with the same message attached.

To all of the fresh faces out there take a look around the Internet and research social media.  Find out who is attracting fans and see how they are going about it.  Ask questions and follow people.  Get your message across to everyone in a way that we will not loathe you for years.  Good luck and have fun but don't be annoying.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


For those of you out there who do not follow me on twitter first off WHY NOT and second of all you fail to realize my obsession with CMChatLive.  Since stumbling upon this site a few months back I have been hooked.  They are the reason I started doing this.   The team over there is second to none when it comes to fun and information.  They have weekly chats every Monday on Twitter and also Twangouts on Google+.  This week they are celebrating their 3rd Birthday and it has been a blast since Sunday night.  Every night this week there is a live chat on Twitter and it has been a down right good time as always.  Something else has popped up this month, the first ever #CMChatty awards.  How many times have you wished you could nominate someone for an award?  Now you can with the power that CmChatLive has given y'all.

You are able to nominate until May 9th and the list of categories includes the usual male and female groups as well as the top Headliner.  However you can also nominate your favorite personality, blogger, blog, and my favorite Music enthusiast or fan.  That last one just goes to show how in touch with the fans this site truly is.  I have been following the nominations and it is a good time just seeing who is being chosen.  Go check out twitter and search #cmchattys and see what you find.

Voting starts on May 12th and is a 40% twitter 40% Facebook and 20% Google+ split.  This voting will run until May 16th.  I am really looking forward to the battles that will happen for this.  Fans are very passionate and this could get a bit out of control.

The Final voting stage takes place between May19-26 and will only happen on

I recommend everyone goes out and has fun with these awards. Also follow the site and join in on the Birthday celebration this week.  I love CMHATLIVE and you will too is you give it a chance.

I would like to personally take this time to thank Jessica Northey and t5he res of the crew.  Y'all go above and beyond when interacting with people.  You make it possible for nobodies to feel like top dogs.  The diversity of guests you have on is exceptional and I hope one day I get to say thank you face to face for the smiles and laughs you have provided me.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Long Over Due

For those of you who have been reading my blog I take this time to seriously apologize about the lack of content lately.  I have been in a whirl wind of chaos lately.  I have been placed in a new store with a new position.  I had my daughters awesome 14th birthday pass and have not been able to find time to sit down and write anything.

Here are a few things that I have found awesome over the past couple weeks.  I may no longer have to worry about buying concert tickets since I am up for a security spot.  That being said I will now have the extra money to buy good seats.  I have been able to sit back and take in some new tunes some good some not so much.  I won a copy of the Oak Ridge Boys live CD which I found just ok.  I love the Boys and was disappointed in the CD the songs are great hits but live is better as that LIVE.

I have been getting really excited about the new and upcoming cmChatty awards.  This is an online awards platform from what I find the greatest source of country music news and action.  For now this is what I will say about the awards other than feel free to nominate me lol.

I am working on a full blown post on the awards as you are reading this.  I just wanted to take the time to make sure yall knew what I was doing and that I am still alive and not going anywhere.