Weekly Favorite Video Playlist

I know I missed updating my playlist last week and I am sorry for that.. Here is my list for the last 2 weeks.  Again I hope Y'all like it. As always I am looking for new artists to listen to and new ideas for my lists.

These are the 10 songs that had the most plays on my Ipod and Itunes for the week of 3/24-3/30 I hope you enjoy the my weekly playlists and if you have any songs that you think I need to listen to or you think I will like feel free to let me know.

These are the 10 songs that had the most plays on my Ipod and Itunes for the week of 3/17-3/23 I hope you enjoy the my weekly playlists and if you have any songs that you think I need to listen to or you think I will like feel free to let me know.

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