Thursday, May 8, 2014

Promotion by Social Media

Since starting out on this new adventure I have made some nice new friends and have been able to interact with many amazing people.  I have also noticed a great new trend in music promotion reaching out through social media.  There are many ways people are using these tools some are doing it the fun way and others are going overboard annoying with it.

One of my new favorite people to follow is Mary Sarah she has a new album coming out in 5 days and how do I know this?  Facebook of course!  She is using this platform to promote the album using a picture cookie countdown.  Talk about a new way and delicious way to promote music,  I just wish I was the one eating the cookie they look very yummy.  She also has a ReverbNation account which is where I pull the music on my main page from.  Mary Sarah is doing it right she is interacting with fans promoting in fun ways and I have not ever heard someone being annoyed with her.  This should be how everyone should try and get the word out about music.

On the opposite side of the spectrum are the annoying promoters who blow up your feeds promoting sometime only 1 song.  This has been the tact taken by many as of late.  I know I am not a promoter or musician but this seems to just aggravate people and make them back away from the artist or album.  I would love to be able to promote a song of mine but I am not that talented.  I understand the excitement of wanting the world to hear your hard work and talent.  However when I sign in to Twitter the last thing  I want to see is the majority of my feed  filled with random acts of tagging with the same message attached.

To all of the fresh faces out there take a look around the Internet and research social media.  Find out who is attracting fans and see how they are going about it.  Ask questions and follow people.  Get your message across to everyone in a way that we will not loathe you for years.  Good luck and have fun but don't be annoying.

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