Thursday, March 20, 2014

Album Review: Sara Evans "Slow Me Down"

have always had my ups and downs with Sara Evan's music so when I heard she had this album coming out I was not overly optimistic. I made sure I was alone and undisturbed before I played the first song I wanted which is why this review is a bit late.  I was very excited to listen to the full album after reading the song titles,  I am in that place right now where I thought they would hit home.  There was no surprise after hearing them I was right about my premonition song by song it brought up memories mostly bad ones but it was needed.

After getting past the memories and listening to it for a second and third time so really figure out what i thought about the entire album I came to the conclusion that I am very indifferent about this one.  Lyrically I enjoyed the ride and understood where she was coming from and the point she was making.  It is one of those Cd's I will pop in to bring back feelings of old relationships and old friends.  I do like to live in the past and this will be a great way to keep me there.  The song that really hit home was her duet with Issac Slade "Can't Stop Loving You".  I have been having feelings for an old flame and this song says everything I have been trying to say to her.  I really can't stop loving her no matter how hard I have tried.  The rest of the songs did not resonate as strong the message was there and the mental movies played but not as much as they did with Can't Stop. 

Going in with minimal expectations I was happy with the outcome.  Will this be in my everyday rotation, No it will not be.  I was not overly impressed with musicality of the songs and the tempo.  Country music however is about telling a story and that is what this did.  She weaved a story of an ending relationship and not wanting to give up on love.  I can relate completely but just can not get on board with the tempo of this record.  Sara Evans will continue to be one of my favorite female artists this is just up my ally.  

In the end I am giving this album 2 out of 5 stars.   

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