Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Review Jerrod Niemann High Noon

This is Jerrod's latest album being released today March 25th. I have been looking forward to this release, he has been promoting this through various outlets including a website dedicated just to it with games and other fun items on it. I am sometimes weary when the promotion is that high. I have found in the past a big promotional push has lead to weak albums both musically and lyrically. After hearing the lead song "Space" I thought thats what I was in for. After 3 plays I was still not convinced but it was time to move on to the rest. "Buzz Back Girl" is going to be stuck in my head for a while now it is a very good song. It hits home with me and probably most guys. There is always that one girl that can makes us feel light headed just by seeing them. I was taken back to the few ladies who made me feel this way. This song will probably end up in my most played list very soon. The next song was the original single off the album "Drink To that All Night" and it is another good tune. I was really starting to dig this album by this point and we are only 3 songs in. Granted it started with a speed bump it was only up hill so far. After two faster paced songs comes a song about an ending relationship "I Can't Give In Anymore". It makes you think to all the relationships that have hit a rocky patch or have ended. It is more of what most people would consider country, it has the lyrics and sound that one would expect to hear on country radio. It is a nice change of pace at this point in the album if you were to listen to it straight through like I did. "We Know How to Rock" is up next. It has a conflicting message that most fans are either for or against lately. Should country really be rockish. I could care less either way good country music is good country music. This song proves my point by bringing up two very strong symbols of our country the man in Black and blue suede shoes. This is the way country is headed for the most part upbeat party songs that pay homage to the past and to the founders of todays country. I have found my sit back relax and tip it back song from this record. "Come On Come On" makes me want to sit on a porch or a tailgate with some good friends a fire and moonlight. This is a total summer song. In my case think about summer time song. The next song should probably be the next single "Lucky #7". Our past builds our future and we are lucky to find love in this carzy mixed up world and this is on the point. Not everyone can express their feelings openly but if you were to play this song for your other half they will instantly know how you feel. Another good song on this album. I am starting to think I have my new favorite album of the year but there are still 6 tracks left so let's continue our journey. This next one is my least favorite song on the album. It ties in the 69boyz "Let me Ride That Donkey" in with a modern Big and Rich style club mix country song. I know I will end up hearing this at every country bar I go to this summer and it will annoy me every time. There will no doubt be a line dance attached to it which could be interesting. The younger girls will love this track. Ahh back to a more traditional country tune. "Day Drinking" who among us hasn't been there before. I love waking up to Roger Miller that usually leads to a good day or one I don't remember either way a wins a win. Jerrod should have named this album after "The Real Thing" because that what this record is. This slowed down love song is filled with raw emotion. I can picture looking into my lovers eyes and just letting it all pour out. Telling her exactly how I feel and letting her know I am not going any damn place unless she is there. Another summer jam is up next with "Beach Baby". It sounds like a something straight off a Kenny Chesney with an added country element. I am not a fan of these island type tunes. So i could have easily done without this track on here. I get it that he is trying to reach a vast crowd and i don't blame him but this is an instant skip track for me. Can I get a "Refill" of this album because I know I am going to ruin at least 3 CD's from listening to it so much. Another winner on this song. They keep coming and every time I want to get down on it JErrod Brings me back in. The last track I am a bit biased on because I am a huge Colt Ford fan. I was really looking forward to hearing this latest collaboration. I was not disappointed, this is another song that will cross genres and attract new fans to Jerrod Niemann. After hearing 11 really really good songs and 2 skippers I am going to tell everyone to go out and buy this. I am giving this album 4 out of 5 stars. It almost got a 5 but with 2 skip songs on it I couldn't do it. I will be listening to this for a long time and is now my second favorite album of the year behind Eric Church and Outsiders. I am glad that I purchased this the day it came out because I know for sure I am going to be playing this for people at work tomorrow. I am now looking forward to seeing him perform these songs live however I will have to make a long drive to do so. Jerrod you need to come to Buffalo

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