Thursday, March 13, 2014

Welcome to my world

(yes that is a justin bieber shirt I will explain in a later post)

   Welcome to my life.  This blog is where I going to input reviews on concerts, albums, and artists.  I will also be giving my take on breaking news stories about country music.  I am going to use this platform to note only promote myself but also up and coming artists.
        Here is a little about me and why I love country music.  I was born in the wrong state in the wrong part of the country to say the least.  I have southern values and treat everyone with southern hospitality.  When I was younger I spent as much time as possible at my Aunts horse farm.  That instilled a hard work ethic in me that I have never lost.  Not a day goes by that I am not wearing my boots jeans and  hat.  I have a 13 year old daughter that I am trying to raise in my footsteps.  I forgot how challenging Teen-Agers are.  I work at The Home Depot and this weeks marks my 5 year anniversary there. Now that this is out of the way I am going to tell you why country music.

       I guess my addiction no obsession with country music started when I was really young.  My parents listened to it all the time and I can remember singing Hank Williams Jr songs when all my friends were talking about pop garbage.  My home was always filled with Alabama, Hank,Waylon, Willie, and The Oak Ridge Boys.  One of my first memories as a child is meeting Alabama at the Erie County Fair.  I do not remember the concert it self but  I do remember going backstage and waiting in line to meet them. When we got to the table  I was wearing my small boots and blue straw hat.  Randy Owen took one look at me and came to out side of the table picked me up and wanted his picture taken with me.   I mean one of the biggest names in country music wanted his picture with ME it was amazing.  A few years later my dads car was stolen at work it was devastated because that is where i kept most of my cassettes.  Country music was one of the few things I have in common with my dad.  The police found his car later in the night/morning.  I woke up and waited for the tow truck to pull in to the driveway.  Before it was unhooked I was already tearing the mess apart looking for my tapes.  Gone they were all gone well all but one Hank WIlliams Jr The Pressure is On.  Between Country boy and collation through  Rowdy Friends and ballad of Hank.  I had that tape memorized I loved it.  I was a 6 year old boy in Buffalo NY I was not supposed to be blaring Hank and belting it out in school.  I wore my boots everywhere and always looked for new hats.  I was an odd kid up here in the north.  This summer will see a life long dream come true,  I get to spend the 4th of July with the man himself Hank.  How much better does it get I get to spend the most patriotic day of the year with Hank Freaking Williams Jr Bocephus.

        That is why I love country music, but why is it so popular now? The songs are about life and truth.  There is a song out there that everyone can relate to,  I can not tell you how many times I hear "Man he wrote that about me I know he did."  That is country music taking pain and torture, Love and life and putting them to song.  The themes tens to stay the same and people make fun of them, trucks, divorce, sadness that is what everyone that does not like country music knows are cares to learn.  They do not see the other side of our lives though,  Love and weddings, family, and parties.  In country music as in life we have to take the bad with the good the downs with the ups,  how boring would life be if everything went right everytime.  So to everyone that likes our music as much as I do stand up be proud and make the doubters understand why.  I think Trace said it best I love country music because they are all "SONGS ABOUT ME"

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