Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mothers Day

Today is a very special day for me.  I get to thank my Mother for everything she has given me.  Don't get me wrong I try to thank her every day and not just once a year, but this is her day. 

My mom was in a terrible car accident when she was in her early 20 ' s.   As a result she was unable to have children of her own.  Her only choice was to adopt a baby and love it as her own.  This is what she did and there has never been a day when I felt any different.  Everyone I meet and know does not believe me when I tell them because I do look like my parents. 

My birth mother whom.i have never met was only 16 when I was delivered. She did what she thought was right and gave me a chance a better life.  I don't know what type of life in would have had if I was not given up In only know what life I have been blessed with for the first 33 years of my life.  I was never told I couldn't do something and always encouraged to try new things.  Even when I went through a very challenging period in my life and ended up dropping out of high school my mom was by my side.  She made sure I got my GED and went to college.  I was the first person in  my family to ever attend college.  I did not let her down either I graduated with double honors and finished with a 3.98GPA.

She has stood by me in marriage and divorce.  She smacked me around when I wasn't being a good dad to my beautiful princess and let me when I was doing the dad thing right.  She has worked 2 jobs as long as I can remember and after almost 30 years doing so she is finally retiring(that won't last). 

Everyone asks why I take my yearly vacation with my parents and it because they make it memorable.  I know I am a bit to much of a mammas boy at times but how can I not be.  She gave me a life most people would love to have had I have seen places some people never will get to.  I was able to play 3 sports at the same time and never miss a practice or game.   She will never let me forget the importance of family and never ever tell me I am not hers.  I love her with all my heart and there is nothing or nobody that will separate us. 

Happy mothers day mom I love you and wouldn't be the man I am today if it were not for you.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Promotion by Social Media

Since starting out on this new adventure I have made some nice new friends and have been able to interact with many amazing people.  I have also noticed a great new trend in music promotion reaching out through social media.  There are many ways people are using these tools some are doing it the fun way and others are going overboard annoying with it.

One of my new favorite people to follow is Mary Sarah she has a new album coming out in 5 days and how do I know this?  Facebook of course!  She is using this platform to promote the album using a picture cookie countdown.  Talk about a new way and delicious way to promote music,  I just wish I was the one eating the cookie they look very yummy.  She also has a ReverbNation account which is where I pull the music on my main page from.  Mary Sarah is doing it right she is interacting with fans promoting in fun ways and I have not ever heard someone being annoyed with her.  This should be how everyone should try and get the word out about music.

On the opposite side of the spectrum are the annoying promoters who blow up your feeds promoting sometime only 1 song.  This has been the tact taken by many as of late.  I know I am not a promoter or musician but this seems to just aggravate people and make them back away from the artist or album.  I would love to be able to promote a song of mine but I am not that talented.  I understand the excitement of wanting the world to hear your hard work and talent.  However when I sign in to Twitter the last thing  I want to see is the majority of my feed  filled with random acts of tagging with the same message attached.

To all of the fresh faces out there take a look around the Internet and research social media.  Find out who is attracting fans and see how they are going about it.  Ask questions and follow people.  Get your message across to everyone in a way that we will not loathe you for years.  Good luck and have fun but don't be annoying.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


For those of you out there who do not follow me on twitter first off WHY NOT and second of all you fail to realize my obsession with CMChatLive.  Since stumbling upon this site a few months back I have been hooked.  They are the reason I started doing this.   The team over there is second to none when it comes to fun and information.  They have weekly chats every Monday on Twitter and also Twangouts on Google+.  This week they are celebrating their 3rd Birthday and it has been a blast since Sunday night.  Every night this week there is a live chat on Twitter and it has been a down right good time as always.  Something else has popped up this month, the first ever #CMChatty awards.  How many times have you wished you could nominate someone for an award?  Now you can with the power that CmChatLive has given y'all.

You are able to nominate until May 9th and the list of categories includes the usual male and female groups as well as the top Headliner.  However you can also nominate your favorite personality, blogger, blog, and my favorite Music enthusiast or fan.  That last one just goes to show how in touch with the fans this site truly is.  I have been following the nominations and it is a good time just seeing who is being chosen.  Go check out twitter and search #cmchattys and see what you find.

Voting starts on May 12th and is a 40% twitter 40% Facebook and 20% Google+ split.  This voting will run until May 16th.  I am really looking forward to the battles that will happen for this.  Fans are very passionate and this could get a bit out of control.

The Final voting stage takes place between May19-26 and will only happen on

I recommend everyone goes out and has fun with these awards. Also follow the site and join in on the Birthday celebration this week.  I love CMHATLIVE and you will too is you give it a chance.

I would like to personally take this time to thank Jessica Northey and t5he res of the crew.  Y'all go above and beyond when interacting with people.  You make it possible for nobodies to feel like top dogs.  The diversity of guests you have on is exceptional and I hope one day I get to say thank you face to face for the smiles and laughs you have provided me.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Long Over Due

For those of you who have been reading my blog I take this time to seriously apologize about the lack of content lately.  I have been in a whirl wind of chaos lately.  I have been placed in a new store with a new position.  I had my daughters awesome 14th birthday pass and have not been able to find time to sit down and write anything.

Here are a few things that I have found awesome over the past couple weeks.  I may no longer have to worry about buying concert tickets since I am up for a security spot.  That being said I will now have the extra money to buy good seats.  I have been able to sit back and take in some new tunes some good some not so much.  I won a copy of the Oak Ridge Boys live CD which I found just ok.  I love the Boys and was disappointed in the CD the songs are great hits but live is better as that LIVE.

I have been getting really excited about the new and upcoming cmChatty awards.  This is an online awards platform from what I find the greatest source of country music news and action.  For now this is what I will say about the awards other than feel free to nominate me lol.

I am working on a full blown post on the awards as you are reading this.  I just wanted to take the time to make sure yall knew what I was doing and that I am still alive and not going anywhere.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

What has happened to concert tickets?

I am a very avid concert goer who loves nothing more than a enjoying live music with friends and frosty beverages.  I have been going to live shows since  I can remember.   I was lucky enough to have my parents take me a little kid and have had the love ever since.  One of my favorite memories is saving up for months to go to my first big show with friends.  I was 13 and Aerosmith was coming to the Memorial Auditorium in downtown Buffalo.  It was their Get A Grip Tour and I wanted to make sure I was there. Tickets cost $35 and I had to mow extra lawns to make sure I had enough money when tickets went on sale.  There were no online ticket outlets back then it was camping in line and waiting to get your hands on actual tickets.  Presales did not exists and it was first come first serve the best seats went to the most dedicated fans willing to brave the elements sometimes for days.  Since I was only 13 I did not get to wait in line over night but as soon as school was out  my friend Tom and I hopped on our bikes rode 10 miles to the closest ticket outlet and bought the best seats that were left.  We ended up sitting half way around the Aud about 50 rows up in the blue section.  The feeling we got from knowing that we scored tickets to the biggest show that year was incredible.  I know that had this been in today's ticket markets we would not have had tickets and would have lost out on an amazing show.

Now a days we have to worry about presale after presale after presale.  They have artist presale venue presales credit card presales and radio station presales.  You also have to worry about ticket agents like Stub Hub and Ticket Retriever getting their hand on tickets.  The last show I bought tickets for this year was Keith Urban, tickets went on sale to the general public at 10am Friday morning.  I was at a computer and on my phone and tablet at 9:55 ready to buy.  I must have refreshed the site 100 times until 10 just in case.  When the tickets went live at 10am the best seats left were section 400 out of the 5 sections not including lawn seats.  How in the world can there not be any seats left in the first 3 sections at the exact time tickets were available.

The next thing that is getting out of control is the prices. We are now paying sometimes over $100 a ticket not including the enormous fees they charge.  I have spent almost $1000 on tickets this year and not all the concerts are on sale yet.  It is seriously disturbing knowing that I will have to chose between a car payment or 2 concerts tickets.  Seven years ago I spent $25 a ticket to see Taylor Swift and James Otto at the Erie County Fair and now this year to see Lady Antebellum at the same location tickets are $80 plus $30 in fees.  Are you kidding me $110 to see a concert at a fair no way.  This is getting ridiculous when will it stop.  I know that my daughter and her friends won't be able to see their favorites without us as parents helping them pay for them.  I feel bad telling her that we have to chose between some of her favorites singers and can;t see all of them.

I am a sucker I mean fan so I will continue to pay these extremely high prices for terrible seats.  I just wish I could let my daughter share in the joy of scoring first row seats.  Or even having be able to buy her own ticket without spending all her money on one show.  I love songs about hard work and tough times,  but how can we believe them anymore because obviously they forgot how hard it is to make money in the real world.  I know Ticket agencies like and Ticketmaster are to blame as well. and the venues themselves are evil as well.  Someone needs to get this back in control.  What happened to not charging fees?  I think we need to stop all the presales except fan club ones, also we need to make sure that decent seats are still available at the time of public sale.


Sunday, March 30, 2014

Rodney Atkins and a NIght of Family Friends and Fundraising.

Saturday night March 29th I was lucky enough to stumble upon a great night for a great cause.  If you follow Rodney on Twitter or Facebook you know that he is raising money for Holston Home.  This is where he was adopted from,  being adopted myself this is an effort that hits home.  The show was on and called "Rod & Roseys First Livin' Room Live Show to Benefit Holston Home".  I had never been on the site before so I wasn't sure what to expect.  After perusing the site for a bit I added it to my favorites bar.  If you have never been on it before like myself it is a site for artists to have live shows and raise money at the same time. Each artist sets the price of the tickets. The site uses a "TIP" program where each "note" to tip costs 10 cents. The minimum tip is 50 notes or $5.00 all ticket money and tip money raised with this show went to Holston Home.

The hour long show featured The HIMms, Rose Falcon, and Rodney.  From the first shot of Rodney sitting on their couch in a gorgeous living room you knew you were in for a fun family filled night and that is exactly what you got.  There were some glitches at first with the picture and sound completely dropping for around 10 minutes. During the blackout there was some good conversation to be had using the chat feature on the site, Hope who was acting as the spokeswoman for the show kept us up to date the entire time.  When the feed came back The Himms played a short 2 song ditty.  Due to the black out they announced after the 2 songs there was to be and additional 30 minutes added to the show and then some.

Rodney played and this is when the tipping became fast and generous.  They had a contest that if they raised $5000 the highest tipper would have a private show with Rodney and Rose with at a later date.  Rodney played a full hit set list over the time of the show.  The best part for me was to see him involve his family.  He played a song with his father and a  few with Rose.  Rose added a song with her father as well However the show was stolen by a freestyle rap performance from the 2 pimped out boyz.  It was a great show over all and one that I soon will not forget.

The point of the show was to raise money and that is what happened.  There was a contest with gift pack for the highest Pre-Show bidder and that raised $1800.  During the show they were taking requests of tips and people were paying upwards of $100 to hear a song what a great idea.  Rose showed a painting she had just finished that will be going on Rodney's EBay auction(  Rodney Atkins EBay Site ).  There are some great items up for bids with some signed items from artists like Justin Moore, Zach Brown, and Jana Kramer.  Rose also added 2 of her shirts for tipping contests both of which will be signed by Rodney and Rose.  The shirts went to the first person to tip 500 notes or $50.  I lost out on the first one by mere seconds but i really didn't mind because I was tipping to help the kids out.  If I had one the shirt I would have told them to put it up for auction anyways.  They added another gift pack to the highest bidders of the show and also the Encore show that was set up due to the blackout.  The night was a success,  the $5000 mark was not hit during the show but the final number has not been put up as of yet.

I am full behind this cause and will help out anyway I can.  I just want to thank Everyone that tipped and everyone that is bidding on items.  It is because of people like you that I am able to be writing this now.  I have no idea what my life would have been like if I were not adopted by such amazing people.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Review Jerrod Niemann High Noon

This is Jerrod's latest album being released today March 25th. I have been looking forward to this release, he has been promoting this through various outlets including a website dedicated just to it with games and other fun items on it. I am sometimes weary when the promotion is that high. I have found in the past a big promotional push has lead to weak albums both musically and lyrically. After hearing the lead song "Space" I thought thats what I was in for. After 3 plays I was still not convinced but it was time to move on to the rest. "Buzz Back Girl" is going to be stuck in my head for a while now it is a very good song. It hits home with me and probably most guys. There is always that one girl that can makes us feel light headed just by seeing them. I was taken back to the few ladies who made me feel this way. This song will probably end up in my most played list very soon. The next song was the original single off the album "Drink To that All Night" and it is another good tune. I was really starting to dig this album by this point and we are only 3 songs in. Granted it started with a speed bump it was only up hill so far. After two faster paced songs comes a song about an ending relationship "I Can't Give In Anymore". It makes you think to all the relationships that have hit a rocky patch or have ended. It is more of what most people would consider country, it has the lyrics and sound that one would expect to hear on country radio. It is a nice change of pace at this point in the album if you were to listen to it straight through like I did. "We Know How to Rock" is up next. It has a conflicting message that most fans are either for or against lately. Should country really be rockish. I could care less either way good country music is good country music. This song proves my point by bringing up two very strong symbols of our country the man in Black and blue suede shoes. This is the way country is headed for the most part upbeat party songs that pay homage to the past and to the founders of todays country. I have found my sit back relax and tip it back song from this record. "Come On Come On" makes me want to sit on a porch or a tailgate with some good friends a fire and moonlight. This is a total summer song. In my case think about summer time song. The next song should probably be the next single "Lucky #7". Our past builds our future and we are lucky to find love in this carzy mixed up world and this is on the point. Not everyone can express their feelings openly but if you were to play this song for your other half they will instantly know how you feel. Another good song on this album. I am starting to think I have my new favorite album of the year but there are still 6 tracks left so let's continue our journey. This next one is my least favorite song on the album. It ties in the 69boyz "Let me Ride That Donkey" in with a modern Big and Rich style club mix country song. I know I will end up hearing this at every country bar I go to this summer and it will annoy me every time. There will no doubt be a line dance attached to it which could be interesting. The younger girls will love this track. Ahh back to a more traditional country tune. "Day Drinking" who among us hasn't been there before. I love waking up to Roger Miller that usually leads to a good day or one I don't remember either way a wins a win. Jerrod should have named this album after "The Real Thing" because that what this record is. This slowed down love song is filled with raw emotion. I can picture looking into my lovers eyes and just letting it all pour out. Telling her exactly how I feel and letting her know I am not going any damn place unless she is there. Another summer jam is up next with "Beach Baby". It sounds like a something straight off a Kenny Chesney with an added country element. I am not a fan of these island type tunes. So i could have easily done without this track on here. I get it that he is trying to reach a vast crowd and i don't blame him but this is an instant skip track for me. Can I get a "Refill" of this album because I know I am going to ruin at least 3 CD's from listening to it so much. Another winner on this song. They keep coming and every time I want to get down on it JErrod Brings me back in. The last track I am a bit biased on because I am a huge Colt Ford fan. I was really looking forward to hearing this latest collaboration. I was not disappointed, this is another song that will cross genres and attract new fans to Jerrod Niemann. After hearing 11 really really good songs and 2 skippers I am going to tell everyone to go out and buy this. I am giving this album 4 out of 5 stars. It almost got a 5 but with 2 skip songs on it I couldn't do it. I will be listening to this for a long time and is now my second favorite album of the year behind Eric Church and Outsiders. I am glad that I purchased this the day it came out because I know for sure I am going to be playing this for people at work tomorrow. I am now looking forward to seeing him perform these songs live however I will have to make a long drive to do so. Jerrod you need to come to Buffalo

Looking Forward to Summer Concerts

Seeing how I live in Buffalo, New York and the weather is only warm and sunny for a few months out of the year it makes it tough to have outdoor concerts. We get a few arena shows over the winter months but I am not a big fan of the acoustics of First Niagara Center. I have seen many incredible acts there and must say it the arena does not do them justice. We all look forward to summer shows 8 hour tailgate parties and ice cold beers. Here in Western New York the summer concert series is kicked off with TASTE OF COUNTRY at our minor league ball park and is hosted by WYRK 106.5fm a great station and usually a rowdy show. Everyone lets out there pent up party energy and some get a bit out of hand. I will say I have had to leave the show early a couple times myself. I have been known to face plant and take amazingly funny pictures at this show. Over the past few years the ticket prices have gone through the roof and it is getting very tough to justify spending the money to see the show. I would rather spend the $65 plus fees to see someone like Keith Urban instead of the usual suspects. I have fun when I go but not enough lately to make the trip downtown. This years line up is Tyler Farr, Montgomery Gentry, and Jake Owen. I decided to pass on this line up and instead spend the money to see Dierks Bentley in Canandaigua, NY its a longer drive but a better line up, it also helps when I can score front row and not have to stand for 5 hours. Last summer the taste line up was a mix of country and 90's pop stars. I went because I was given free tickets and really wanted to Rodney Atkins for the 15th time(he is a personal Favorite of mine. Tee headliners were Sheryl Crow and Darius Rucker wow what a show if this had been 1996. The atmosphere is more like a bar on the field than a big show which makes it fun and enjoyable but until the prices drop or the acts justify the price I will be staying away. Darien Lake Performing Arts Center is the main venue for summer shows around here. It is a great place to have fun and see concerts but a terrible place to park and leave from. PAC has gotten so bad after the shows that we have had people drowned and hit by cars and killed. Unless you have purchased the VIP parking be prepared to leave before the encore or wait up to 4 hours to get out of the lot. I have so many great memories of this place it will always hold a special place in my life. I have been on stage for the opening of a Toby Keith show looking out in the crowd of 30,000 people was amazing. I have been able to meet Alan Jackson, Eric Church, Sean Patrick McGraw,and Toby here over the years. The line up this summer is much better than usual we are getting our yearly show from Brad Paisley and Rascal Flatts, Jason Aldean is making his 3rd straight summer show stop and also added to the list this summer are Blake Shelton, Luke Bryan, Keith Urban, and Miranda Lambert. Every year they offer a Mega Ticket and every year I saw I am going to buy it but never do. I am normally trying to score tickets with pre sale codes and using 3 different devices. I have normally been lucky with seats this year however besides Brad I am in the back sections, not happy about it but it will have to do. I have heard disturbing news about the Luke Bryan show it is being said that Stub Hub had bought all the non mega ticket tickets and there was never a on sale date announced. This seems to be a trend lately with PAC and some how all the pit and 100 section tickets are gone even before presales. The trend is upsetting knowing that if I want my daughter to experience the thrill of front row I will have to shell out $1000's. I know money drives the industry but at whose expense the fans like always. First it was high fees that seem to grow every year then it was 1 presale which has turned into 5-6 for each show. Can't we go back to first come first serve it was such a better life back then. Rant is over! I am looking forward to spending the many hours playing Kan Jam Beer Pong and Flip Cup in a grassy parking lot surrounded by country music fans. July 4th weekend brings us our local multi day country music festival Jam in the Valley. It is a great weekend capped of with the largest fireworks display I have ever seen. The 2 day fest has turned in to 3 and the camping situation is party haven. The camp sites are varied and go from family friendly to straight up Frat houses on wheels. Every year the line up seems to switch between traditional country and popish country, this year we get all in one weekend. Thursday night is Chris Janson and Dustin Lynch. Thursday is generally set up camp site day and the show is usually filled with campers and a few 3 day pass holders. Friday has the best line up I have seen in a long time. It kicks off with LoCash Cowboys, if you have not seen these 2 guys you are missing out on a great night they are up beat funny guys who go out of their way to please the fans. The headliner this year is non other than Hank Williams Jr. I am lucky enough to have won Backstage passes for the weekend so I get to spend my 4th of July with these men. What is more American than Independance Day and Hank Jr. Saturday is normally the most crowded of the days because it is the fireworks show night. I am seeing a younger crowd headed out this year with Danielle Bradbery, Colt Ford, and Brantley Gilbert all taking the stage. I am pumped about meeting Colt Ford I have always liked his music and his ability to collaborate with amazing artists. This will be a great 3 days of music food friends and drinks. The situation i am facing this year and I am sure others are as well is the fact that after 3 days of partying and music I have to drive 90 minutes home on Sunday to pick up my daughter drop off my camping gear and then drive the hour to Darien Lake to see Brad Paisley on Sunday the 6th should be a great show to end a hectic weekend. For the first time I am going to be making my way out to Canandaigua, NY and CMAC. There are generally good shows out there but I either never have a concert buddy or I am out of town for them. This year I made it a point to be home for them and to have a road tripper with me. My daughter insisted that we go see Tim McGraw because she wanted to see Cassadee Pope again. Tim will be there on May 30th a great way to start my summer series. I will then be back out there for Dierks Bentley on June 20th. I have not seen Dierks in a few years so I am excited about this show. I am still looking for someone to go with but I am sure I will find someone. I am going to be spending the night out there because on the 21st Willie Nelson and Allison Krauss will be there. I am going to see them twice this year. My last show of the summer will also be at CMAC Lady A with guests Billy Currington, and Joe Nichols. All in all it will be a great summer stayed tuned for reviews updates and pictures. Also follow me on Twitter @scottbutts80 for my latest news. I know I will be adding shows in to my already busy summer but why not when it will be snowing again in October. I am going to try and hit up shows in Pennsylvania and Ohio this year and hopefully I can catch a show when I am in Disney with the family in Sept and Oct. If you have any shows I should see or any ideas of where to see them let me know I am always looking for new places and acts.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Album Review: Sara Evans "Slow Me Down"

have always had my ups and downs with Sara Evan's music so when I heard she had this album coming out I was not overly optimistic. I made sure I was alone and undisturbed before I played the first song I wanted which is why this review is a bit late.  I was very excited to listen to the full album after reading the song titles,  I am in that place right now where I thought they would hit home.  There was no surprise after hearing them I was right about my premonition song by song it brought up memories mostly bad ones but it was needed.

After getting past the memories and listening to it for a second and third time so really figure out what i thought about the entire album I came to the conclusion that I am very indifferent about this one.  Lyrically I enjoyed the ride and understood where she was coming from and the point she was making.  It is one of those Cd's I will pop in to bring back feelings of old relationships and old friends.  I do like to live in the past and this will be a great way to keep me there.  The song that really hit home was her duet with Issac Slade "Can't Stop Loving You".  I have been having feelings for an old flame and this song says everything I have been trying to say to her.  I really can't stop loving her no matter how hard I have tried.  The rest of the songs did not resonate as strong the message was there and the mental movies played but not as much as they did with Can't Stop. 

Going in with minimal expectations I was happy with the outcome.  Will this be in my everyday rotation, No it will not be.  I was not overly impressed with musicality of the songs and the tempo.  Country music however is about telling a story and that is what this did.  She weaved a story of an ending relationship and not wanting to give up on love.  I can relate completely but just can not get on board with the tempo of this record.  Sara Evans will continue to be one of my favorite female artists this is just up my ally.  

In the end I am giving this album 2 out of 5 stars.   

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Life is music and music is life


I know the name of my blog is country music is my life but is could be called my life is country music.  When I sit back and listen to song after song all I can think is how do these people know about my life and where are the cameras.  No matter where you are from and what you are going through one thing is for sure country music has a song about it.  There are songs all about this theme Chris Cagle  "My Life's Been a Country Song" and Trace Adkins "Songs About Me".  

Growing up I always tried to distance myself from country music.  It was the rebellious side of me trying to break away from my parents.  However it seemed the harder I tried the more I related to the songs.  I remember my first real girlfriend her name was Kelly I was young and dumb about 14 I thought it was going to last forever.  Of course it didn't and we did break up what was the first song I heard,  Alabama "Goodbye" also known as "Kelly's Song" talk about an emotional slap in the face.  The tears came down like Niagara Falls  I should know it is only 20 minutes from my door.  I think I must have replayed the song 100 times that week,  a hard task since it was on tape not a fancy CD or MP3.  I did get a nice crack with a wooden paddle  over that since I took the tape out of my dad's car without telling him.  I was always late in the game with new music this relationship was in 1995 and I was still listening to a 5 year old album Alabama had already put 3 more albums out after Pass It on Down by that time.  

I guess even back the. I had an old soul,  because looking back on that album (which still may be my favorite Alabama album of all time) it is filled with songs of breaks up and hard times.  The title track is about how we are destroying our own planet and how we need to start conserving the environment for our future generations.  I may have not had acres of land at my house but I spent most of my summers on my aunts horse farm and when I wasn't out there I was camping with my neighbors,  so nature was very important to me.   This album is why I now turn to music after break ups,  I still turn on "Until It Happens To You" and of course "Jukebox in my Mind".   I am actually getting.  It sentimental right now just thinking back on the relationships that I have had and the memories of getting over them with country music.

I went through a divorce 2 years ago and at first it was hard for me to listen to any music.  We both love country music it was one thing that we bonded over.  In the end it was our last fight as well. Our last fight was who got to take the 3rd row tickets for Blake Shelton. I had over 20,000 songs on my laptop and couldn't bring myself to listen to any of them.  I was stuck on sports talk radio all day and night.  I wanted nothing to do with my passion, my life.  Finally after 3 months of no music I plugged in my IPod and let it play.  For the next 4 hours all I did was cry, smile, and finally sing along.  It was country music that saved my life, more precisely it was King George, Chris Cagle and Gary Allan.  Between the 3 of them there was not one emotion I wasn't feeling.  This was the first time in almost 20 years I was single I mean really single and I didn't know how to handle it.  I was a wreck and spinning out of control I was losing friends and lashing out at everyone until that first song came through my truck speakers it was a song I have heard thousands of times and drunkenly sang at numerous bars,  "Smoke Rings in the Dark" but this time it hit me like a freight train to the chest.  It opened my eyes, dropped my jaw, and starting to heal my heart.  My mind blanked for the first time since she left me I was free of her image if only for a couple minutes I was free.  It was like that song after song note after note.  All I wanted to hear we're done me wrong falling out of love songs. I honestly believe if not for the 3 men above I wouldn't be here.  I had bad thoughts and mostly because I thought I was alone.  I may not have had anyone around me but I wasn't alone I had three new best friends that I fell like I had just met for this first time.  There are still songs I can't listen to fully because they take me back to a bad time and a bad place,  but I know that if I ever have the chance to meet any one these men I will thank them for saving me.  That is the power of our music it can grab us by the hand and lead us through any hell we are facing.

I have been told I have a great work ethic and when people ask me why I work so hard I tell them It's the only way I know.  From early on I was told I have to be up at the crack of dawn and go to bed after Johnny Carson.  Okay so maybe not that late but it seemed like it.  For those who don't known who Caron is I am sorry you missed out.  The winter had me up at 4:30 for hockey and the summer had me up at 5:00 to shovel horse crap.  To this day if I sleep past 8 I feel as if the day is wasted.  I get to work an hour early everyday so I can say hi to the 100 or so people I work with that day just because it's the right polite thing to do.  I work my 8 hours a day and then some.  You won't see me sitting at a desk or most of the time sitting at all.  I have spinal stenosis which is a shrinking of the spinal cord and it makes it tough for me to get around some days, but I still don't stop.  There are days when I have to use the cane that I keep in my truck which at 33 is embarrassing but I need it.  On those days I may not lift as much but I still end up doing more work than most people.  When they tell me to slow down all I can respond with is "How".  I don't do these things because I want to but because I was taught by Aaron Tippin what a working mans PHD is all about. I think Brooks And Dunn summed me up with the following line "Got everything I own / By the sweat of my brow / From my four-wheel drive to my cowboy boots / I owe it all to my blue collar roots."  Most of all I work hard so at the end of the week I can put some beer on the table. 

Who out there doesn't like to live it up with our friends.  It could be a simple drink on a deck or an all night tip it back night on the town.  When I am getting ready to go out and have fun I don't know if anyone gets me more pumped up then the LoCash Cowboys.  They are so up beat and bring it hard in almost every song.  That's what I look for when I am having fun fast paced songs that are loud and speak truth.  If your drink of choice is Jack, Jim, Jose or a longneck you can find your party song in a second. I know I always like when tequila makes her clothes fall off but it usually makes me wake up thinking Jack Daniels Kicked my Ass again.  We go out to have fun and no matter where we go we find it.  From empty parking lots to crowded bars, corn fields to tailgate parties there's a song for us.  

So remember next time you think your all alone in the world and nobody understands you, we have all been there and done that.  All you need to do is bring up your music player or CDs and play any artist and you will feel like they wrote a song just for you.  Life is hard but we all go through the same things at some point.  When your friends ask you how can you listen to that twangy mess simply look them in the eyes and say "This twangy mess is my life and your life and if you don't get that I feel sorry for you.".  We the country music fans of the world have it made, our favorite singers and bands get us because they have been I our boots they have driven our trucks and had their hearts ripped out and stomped on.  There is no other genre of music that relates more to everyday life with every song than ours.  Wether you live in the south north east or west on a farm or in a city there is a song for you.  It shouldn't be called country music is should be called life music because that's what it is. They are songs about my life and that will not change.  Country music is my life and my life is country music I love it live and learn from it.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Scott Butts's Personal Page for 2014 Hospice Memorial Walk

This is for a Great cause please help me reach my donation goal.  I am walking for a very special person who we lost last year,  Scott Butts's Personal Page for 2014 Hospice Memorial Walk

WYRK Fall Acoustic Show review


      This is the first time I have ever gone to any of the WYRK acoustic shows.  Normally the line up does not make me want to spend the money that I could save for a big time summer show.  However this line was a must see for me, Craig Morgan, Parmalee, and Cassadee Pope.  My daughter also really wanted to see  Cassadee Pope so I figured what a great show for her first true country concert.

       It was an intimate atmosphere very laid back and easy going. The show was at UB Center for the Arts.  It is a great venue for this type of show large capacity and comfortable seats.   All the artists took the stage at the same time.  I had a very good view of the show, we sat 3rd row to the left side of the stage.  Cassadee was right in front of us.  I am not going to lie I was not very familiar with Parmalee before the show.  That was a major my bad,  I am officially a big fan now.  Craig Morgan was sitting in the middle of the stage front and center.  He started out joking about the snow storm we had the previous day and how the owner of his label also owns the Sabres.  The Sabres for those you do not know is the NHL team here in Buffalo.

    He then made a joke about how is wife didn't like the song he was about to play until it became a #1.  The song of course was International Harvester.  You would not have known it was an acoustic show if you were to just hear it.  Craig brought his  mix of traditional style country and modern.  There were many times when the other artists on stage could be seen singing along with Craig.  There was definitely a shared respect of each other on stage.

      Cassadee Pope followed Craig in the rotation,  she did make a point to show her slight intimidation about that.  She had nothing to fear she blew the crowd away.  It was kind of nice to be able to just hear her sing since not many people knew her songs besides "Wasting All These Tears".  She would go on runs that brought the crowd to their feet.  It was incredible to see the reaction when she belted out her songs.  I feel she stole the show away from Craig and Parmalee.  She made one new huge fan in my daughter which is tough to do because she is not the biggest of country music fans,  a trend I am really trying to break.  However she liked Cassadee so much all she wants for her birthday is tickets to see Tim Mcgraw because Cassadee will be there.  I really need to meet Cassadee and thank her for converting a former Bieber lover to a country fan.

       Parmelee was last in the rotation and when they started the crowd was instantly divided between the young and old.  The younger people in the crowd went crazy when it was Parmelee's turn.  However by the time the full set was done the entire crowd was on board with them.  One of my favorite moments of the entire show was their cover of Miley Cyrus " Wrecking Ball".  I almost fell out of my seat with that song it was not only funny but hit home with my nights at the bar.  I could not help but show all my co-workers the following day.

       After the show they had a meet and greet with every single artist.  I asked my daughter if she wanted to meet any of them of course she said yes and chose Cassadee.  We walked over to get in her line and not only was it the longest line actually stretching out the door to the frigid cold but it was also cut off.  I guess thats what you get for great seats.  Overall this was a good show to be at.  It was a nice change from the normal summer shows.  I loved the intimate setting and calmer atmosphere.  The show was all about the artists and their songs and not the theatrics that normally go along with shows.  I will be at every acoustic show from here on out.  WYRK did not disappoint they continue to promote country music and newer artists.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Welcome to my world

(yes that is a justin bieber shirt I will explain in a later post)

   Welcome to my life.  This blog is where I going to input reviews on concerts, albums, and artists.  I will also be giving my take on breaking news stories about country music.  I am going to use this platform to note only promote myself but also up and coming artists.
        Here is a little about me and why I love country music.  I was born in the wrong state in the wrong part of the country to say the least.  I have southern values and treat everyone with southern hospitality.  When I was younger I spent as much time as possible at my Aunts horse farm.  That instilled a hard work ethic in me that I have never lost.  Not a day goes by that I am not wearing my boots jeans and  hat.  I have a 13 year old daughter that I am trying to raise in my footsteps.  I forgot how challenging Teen-Agers are.  I work at The Home Depot and this weeks marks my 5 year anniversary there. Now that this is out of the way I am going to tell you why country music.

       I guess my addiction no obsession with country music started when I was really young.  My parents listened to it all the time and I can remember singing Hank Williams Jr songs when all my friends were talking about pop garbage.  My home was always filled with Alabama, Hank,Waylon, Willie, and The Oak Ridge Boys.  One of my first memories as a child is meeting Alabama at the Erie County Fair.  I do not remember the concert it self but  I do remember going backstage and waiting in line to meet them. When we got to the table  I was wearing my small boots and blue straw hat.  Randy Owen took one look at me and came to out side of the table picked me up and wanted his picture taken with me.   I mean one of the biggest names in country music wanted his picture with ME it was amazing.  A few years later my dads car was stolen at work it was devastated because that is where i kept most of my cassettes.  Country music was one of the few things I have in common with my dad.  The police found his car later in the night/morning.  I woke up and waited for the tow truck to pull in to the driveway.  Before it was unhooked I was already tearing the mess apart looking for my tapes.  Gone they were all gone well all but one Hank WIlliams Jr The Pressure is On.  Between Country boy and collation through  Rowdy Friends and ballad of Hank.  I had that tape memorized I loved it.  I was a 6 year old boy in Buffalo NY I was not supposed to be blaring Hank and belting it out in school.  I wore my boots everywhere and always looked for new hats.  I was an odd kid up here in the north.  This summer will see a life long dream come true,  I get to spend the 4th of July with the man himself Hank.  How much better does it get I get to spend the most patriotic day of the year with Hank Freaking Williams Jr Bocephus.

        That is why I love country music, but why is it so popular now? The songs are about life and truth.  There is a song out there that everyone can relate to,  I can not tell you how many times I hear "Man he wrote that about me I know he did."  That is country music taking pain and torture, Love and life and putting them to song.  The themes tens to stay the same and people make fun of them, trucks, divorce, sadness that is what everyone that does not like country music knows are cares to learn.  They do not see the other side of our lives though,  Love and weddings, family, and parties.  In country music as in life we have to take the bad with the good the downs with the ups,  how boring would life be if everything went right everytime.  So to everyone that likes our music as much as I do stand up be proud and make the doubters understand why.  I think Trace said it best I love country music because they are all "SONGS ABOUT ME"